Concrete Cutting and Coring Safety
Our First Priority is Concrete Cutting and Coring Safety
Our specialty is concrete cutting and coring, these activities present high risk hazards which must be sufficiently controlled. Silica dust exposure is now the leading cause of respiratory illness in the construction industry, unfortunately not all contractors are capable of mitigating and controlling silica exposure which not only affects the workers but also the public. We take silica exposure very seriously, we lead other contractors by complying with our comprehensive HSE management system, implement regular worker training and using the best tools and equipment available. Our reputation for a safe work force with zero injuries has allowed us to provide services to numerous large scale projects like Highstreet Shopping Centre in Abbotsford. All of these projects held safety as the number 1 priority.
Tri-City Cutting & Coring Ltd. is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees through the use of a comprehensive Occupational Health & Safety Program that is easy to use and understand. A program that exceeds WorkSafeBC regulations.
We cannot meet this goal without the full co-operation of all personnel. This co-operation is needed and expected to meet and exceed the requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations of WorkSafeBC.
It is our policy to provide first quality service to clients while taking all necessary steps to prevent injury to our employees, employees of other companies on the job site, the customer and the public, and to prevent damage to all property within the influence of the job site.
On behalf of the Owner and managers our supervisors are responsible to promote the health and safety of the employees and all subcontractors as well as the provision of safe working conditions.
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Employee education and training are key components of Tri-City Cutting & Coring’s Occupational Health and Safety Program. This attributes to a very low turnover rate of employees in all positions. Our employee retention is made possible by our commitment to safety, reliable equipment, professionalism, and the belief in what we do.
Tri-City Cutting & Coring Ltd. services all of Metro Vancouver, and are not limited to doing projects throughout British Columbia and Alberta. Contact us for more information.